Our Story

Welcome to Luv Silent! Founded by a dynamic mother-daughter duo, Myra Sharon & Megan Lee, who have always bonded over their love for fashion. Once Megan moved away from her home town after meeting her husband, both fashionistas decided to share their passionate hobby of curating a timeless yet intricate wardrobe with all of you! Our collection is a curation of pieces that effortlessly transition from day to night, allowing you to seamlessly move through the various chapters of your life with poise and style. —each one meticulously selected to reflect the understated allure that is at the heart of our brand.


Luv Silent signifies an invitation to let Jesus' love echo through the silent spaces of your life, and for your fashion choices to articulate your unique narrative without a word. At Luv Silent, we believe in the transformative power of Jesus and a well-crafted wardrobe. We pray over your clothes before sending them out and for each one of you, that you will let your love speak even in the silence!

Luv, Meg & Myra


At Luv Silent, our commitment to fashion extends beyond the realm of style; it's a dedication to making a meaningful impact. We believe in the transformative power of love, and to us, that means contributing to a greater cause. That's why a portion of every sale at Luv Silent goes toward supporting a mission organization close to our hearts, Pioneer61. We see fashion as a conduit for positive change, and by giving back, we aim to extend the reach of love beyond the seams of our garments. This initiative is more than just philanthropy; it's a shared journey with our customers to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need in Tete, Mozambique, Africa through Jesus Christ. As you indulge in the elegance of Luv Silent, know that your purchase goes beyond the confines of fashion; it becomes a small but impactful contribution to a cause that resonates with the values of compassion and kindness that define our brand. We are praying to make a difference through our love of fashion and people.

To learn more or give to Pioneer61 personally you can visit their website: www.pioneer61.org  

"God is sending us to the nations to build Healing Homes to rescue the homeless, the broken, the poor, child slaves and children prostituted as sex slaves. We were created to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, pray for the sick and visit those in prison. We believe that through the Love of God we can help the least of these see who they are as sons and daughters in Christ. As pioneers we want to launch God’s children into their destiny."